Friday, 14 January 2011

Trees - A Clarification

As requested - here is the copy of the letter I sent off to Derek Lee this morning about the trees. As I said - I might have got this completely wrong - so hopefully Derek will set me on the right track:

Hi Derek

A very belated Happy New Year Derek, let's hope many good things come true for all of us this year!!

I trust you are well & in fine fettle - besides the inevitable round of flu's - all of us are great.

Derek - I remember you once telling me that there is a policy about trees & shrubs not being allowed to grow above a certain height.

The Leabank Square Gardening Club are asking me to get some clarification about it. One of the results from the last whole of Leabank Square consultation was that many residents think it lacks a few trees. Walking around every single estate in our neighbourhood, you can see exactly what they mean.

Every square, estate and new development has quite a few trees providing greenery, shade, shelter, oxygen, peace and all the other hippy things you would expect me to say. But Leabank Square only has the one London Plain tree in the north-east corner (which you hard-prune every couple of years, and the few fruit trees near the entrance - which we prune.

So - I guess what people want to know is - why are we not allowed any on the green - and why are the few existing evergreen shrubs severely stumped a few times a year?

Of course, if there are sound lawful reasons for this - no worries - but how come all the surrounding residents have beautiful mature & stunning trees. And continue to plant even more.

Derek - I may have misunderstood you when we last spoke about this matter - so if I'm barking up the wrong (ahem) tree - then please put me straight as well.

All the best.


Soon as I get a reply - I'll post it up here.


Brian said...

Sorry mate, didn't mean for you to do it right away, only when you found the time. I deffo remember Derek saying something about them as well. See what he says.

Anonymous said...

Shallow-rooted trees whose root systems don't pose a threat to foundations stability (like silver birch) shouldn't in theory be a problem as long as they're not planted right up against the buildings.

Anonymous said...

I should point out that shallow-rooted trees planted too close to tarmac or paving stones can cause problems, but if they're planted in the grassy area that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

You probably don't want something that gives heavy shade and will kill off the grass, but if you want to see how trees can live with buildings, right opposite the side entrance to the London Chest Hospital in St James Avenue (close to the Approach Road gate into Victoria Park) there's a small low-rise estate with an enclosed area between Sankey House and Rosebery House where there's a beautiful group of mature birches.

Anna said...

Sóna I'm with Owen - a couple of silver birches would set the green off nicely. Specially as the get more mature. Imaging coming in through the entrance and seeing 2 tall birches on either side of the green. What a welcome.

Fiona said...

Personally I think if we going to plant a tree it should work even harder for us. Shade, green, beauty's alright, but APPLES, now there's a tree.

Paul said...

Any news yet Sona? Is he doing his usual 'ignore & dissapear' trick again?