Sunday, 19 June 2011

Planting Wildflowers for Mabley Meadow

A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who helped to plant up some seeds, for Mabley Meadow today.

Our good friend Chris King has asked us to plant up some wildflowers to add to the beautiful Mabley Meadow this autumn.

It was also great to meet our neighbour and newest Leabank gardeners, Justyna and Andy.
Thanks too to the old hands, Zoulla and Paul. Together we planted up some Betony, Agrimony, Cowslip and Teasel. We’re sure they’ll look stunning in the meadow later this year!

If you haven’t yet discovered Chris’ meadow, you can check out the details at And then meander over there in person to see everything in full colour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
