Wednesday 26 August 2009

Birds of Leabank Square - Cockney Sparra

Can you believe what we've all done?! After all the trees & hedgerows were chopped down in the Olympic Park opposite - we had a couple of years when there were no Cockney Sparra's visiting Leabank Square. Thanks to all the bird boxes & feeders we've put up all around Leabank Square ( - we've managed to get them to return!!

Thank you to everyone who put one up - if anyone is interrested in putting one up this autumn - please make a comment here - or send us an email. The more we put up - the more we can help this plucky little bird!

Noisy and gregarious, these cheerful exploiters of man's rubbish and wastefulness, have even managed to colonise most of the world. The ultimate opportunist perhaps, but now struggling to survive in the UK along with many other once common birds.

They are clearly declining in both gardens and the wider countryside and their recent declines have earned them a place on the Red List.

Found from the centre of cities to the farmland of the countryside, it feeds and breeds near to people. Vanishing from the centre of many cities, but not uncommon in most towns and villages - and now - back in Leabank Square!

See also:


Mary said...

Hi Sona. Ahhhh sweet! these sparrows have really made me feel good again, you know what I mean? They bring back memories of the good ol days to me. Such a tiny bird can make us all feel good again. Amazing.

Su said...

Hey Sóna, your windows look like mine, and everyone else's man! Can't we ask the oda to clean our windows monthly or something? As fast as I clean the ones I can reach, as fast as they get caked with mud from over their site!! You know how you suggested the road sweeper for the car park, maybe you could suggest a window cleaning service for our windows as well?

Derek said...

Cute lil blighters arent they?

Dirk said...

Hey Dude
No matter what the ODA throws at these little sparrows, they'll always have a home right here in Lebank Square man.

Debs said...

Hi Shona,
Thyanks to you and all your gardeners, thats whats making them come back. Please keep up the amazing work.

Stella said...

Hi Sóna
It must be the same flock that is starting to sleep in the front hedge again. I absolutely love hearing them wake up in the morning right outside our window. It really makes me feel closer to nature again.

Stella said...

Hi Sóna
It must be the same flock that is starting to sleep in the front hedge again. I absolutely love hearing them wake up in the morning right outside our window. It really makes me feel closer to nature again.

Gail said...

Hi you 2
Is there ANYTHING that can beat the beautiful noise of these cute creatures chirping outside our windows?
Thanks for putting out those feeders guys - I LOVE having these visitors at my bedroom in the morning! Of course - acouple of hours later the trucks, cranes, bull dozers, etc all start up as well!

Anonymous said...

Owwwwwwwww cute!

Eileen said...

Hey Sóna
I don't believe it! The little blighters are even starting to perch on my balconey again as well?

It has got to be because of the pretend trees you guys have been erecting down below. Just this morning I suck a half eaten apple on the rail, and blow down if 5-6 of them didn't come for a feed?!

Thanks for getting them back, I didn't realise how much I missed the until today.

Ms Scarlet said...

Cockney Sparra - I Like it! Said like a true Eastender!
Ms Scarlett

Ms Scarlett said...

I'm glad to see I have an Eastender doppelgänger up on here. What that's that saying about flattery again?
Ms Scarlett

Anonymous said...

You're really lucky to have them. Ours disappeared a few years ago after the council cut the bushes back. I miss listening to their mutual briefing sessions.
