Many of you would have got these emails copied to you this morning - but for those of you whose email addresses I haven't as yet collected - please read through the correspondence below. It really would be great to have a date that is convenient for as many of us as possible to meet the Olympic Suits.
Please leave comments up here to say which dates are more convenient for you, and together we will set a time. If you are unable to make it to the meeting - please leave your questions, suggestions, comments, compliments & grumbles up here as well, and we will pass them on. As usual - this also goes if you are too shy to talk at meetings - put your comment up here - and we'll raise it on your behalf with you listening to the answer straight from the suits mouth.
Good Morning,
I hope your family is well,
I have just left a voice message on your mobile to let you know that the Operations Director and Project Manager from Skanska would like to meet with you and other residents if possible? (especially those who have complained to you about the noise coming from site out of hours) they have suggested either tomorrow afternoon or Monday morning.
Please let me know when a suitable time will be and they will go to Lea Bank Square and meet you at a convenient location.
I look forward to hearing from you,
I hope your family is well,
I have just left a voice message on your mobile to let you know that the Operations Director and Project Manager from Skanska would like to meet with you and other residents if possible? (especially those who have complained to you about the noise coming from site out of hours) they have suggested either tomorrow afternoon or Monday morning.
Please let me know when a suitable time will be and they will go to Lea Bank Square and meet you at a convenient location.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Hi Everyone
I have just got off the phone with Giorgia Sharpe from the Olympic Community Team. As some of you are all too aware - there is a massive increase in noise & dust from across the canal. Some of it has been 'emergency' work being carried out in the middle of the night (flooding pumping) - but most of it is just sloppiness - vehicles reversing, diggers banging mud out of buckets, contractors not honouring the working hours, generators being left on, trucks beeping horns, etc.
As the Leabank Square Olympic Spy Person - I gather all the complaints from as many residents as possible - and pass them over to the Olympic Community Team. Although - by far the most complaints are about dust - the ones I get out of hours are about these sloppy noisy examples interrupting the sleep of Homerton Hospital & London Transport shift workers. These residents need their sleep to be uninterrupted in order to look after us in hospital, and carry us all over London to work.
Please ignore the dates these suits are pushing us to meet - after chatting to a few of the (above) shift workers - the date most popular to meet with them is Monday 10th August (about Mid Day up on the riverbank). Please leave comments up here to either confirm or give an alternative date for the meeting.
I know we have by far much more pressing issues to deal with at the moment in Leabank Square - but we haven't discussed the noise & dust for a few weeks now - and this is the ideal opportunity to speak to the suits directly.
It was good to talk to you, as per conversation I will wait to hear from you regarding a suitable date & time for the construction team from Skanska to meet with you and residents.
Look forward to hearing from you soon,
Many thanks
It was good to talk to you, as per conversation I will wait to hear from you regarding a suitable date & time for the construction team from Skanska to meet with you and residents.
Look forward to hearing from you soon,
Many thanks