Thanks to all who attended the extra-ordinary meeting this morning. As you all know Hackney Council keeps granting the Olympics permission to work on Sundays.
As everyone - especially those in the front 3 blocks - knows - the noise busy being generated from across the river has grown completely intolerable of late.
But now Hackney Council has been letting us down by granting some 'section' or the other to the Olympics to do this very loud noise on Sundays as well.
That means that there is a 7 day weeks' worth of excruciating noise for Leabank Square!!
We have now had more than enough of it - and are in the process of getting a legal injunction taken out on Hackney Council - preventing them from granting these 'sections' to the Olympics.
No doubt - Hackney Council will say that they have been 'consulting' with some of us - but if by that they mean that Sóna has the occasional telephone conversation with them about this matter - then that is by no means - any kind of 'consultation'!
The conversation normally goes something like being told that the Olympics are a bit behind schedule because of something unforeseen - like British weather - and need to catch up on Sundays. Hackney Council then simply gives them permission as long as the Olympics stick within their limited decibel levels.
This is the sole level of 'consultation being done with Leabank Square at the moment. And the Olympics know this. They also know that Hackney Council are not even monitoring the noise levels independently as their noise recording machine is faulty.
So - when we eventually get the noise data readings from the Olympics themselves (currently 4 months late) - we will all see just how much higher they over the agreed levels - and have to have a 'conversation' about figures that are 4 months old - meanwhile newer noise levels are being broken.
I know that we in Leabank Square do not find this situation acceptable - but how about our readers from outside Leabank Square? Please add your honest comments about whether you think we are being unreasonable or not.